Hello, my name is Twlia and I am an over packer…
Packing for some people (like me) is the most tedious part of travel. Others delight in packing and can travel with a magical carry on that includes a limitless supply of clothing, shoes that match everything and toiletries for days.
I must admit, this has been a real struggle for me over the years until now. Here are a few travel hacks that I used to break the habits I had:
1. Leave half the clothing you think you need at home. I know. Sound simple, but for a fashionista like me this is the most difficult and painful (yes painful LMBO!) travel hack. Reality is you never wear ALL the items you packed for those “just in case” moments so just don’t do it. Pack 1 “just in case” outfit that can be dressed up or down with shoes and accessories you’ve packed for multiple outfits. Trust me. This hack alone is half the weight of your suitcase. Here are a few of my favorite outfits for travel.
2. Remember the weight limits: Baggage fees can add up. Especially if you carry more than one or your bag is overweight. You do not want to be the person at the airport holding up the line shuffling items from one suitcase to another, or worst yet, getting slammed with overweight luggage fees. I got hit for $200 one holiday for carrying gifts I purchased in advance vs shipping. Believe me I used all types of “special words” that day! Carrying lighter luggage like xxx and weighing your luggage with xxx prior to heading to the airport are ways that you can avoid these fees.
3. Space and time savers: If you travel often for work or pleasure, save yourself some time by prepacking essentials you will use on every trip. This hack is life changing for those of us who have limited time between trips. Compact make-up carriers xxx, packing cubes xxx, and toiletry bags xxx can stay in your luggage or can easily transition to the next trip luggage as needed. Using packing cubes like xxx or xxx can also keep you to organize when you have limited space and need to find packed items in transit.

Purchase my favorite travel essentials through my amazon store